We are very lucky to work closely with some fantastic surgeons in Bunbury, Perth and throughout the South West.
You probably already know that after most surgery, a period of physiotherapy guided rehabilitation may be required to get you back on your feet and make the most of your operation. A lot of people are less aware that physiotherapy should also be used before surgery (prehabilitation) to increase strength, range of movement and general fitness, to help you bounce back faster afterwards.
A lot of the surgeons that we work with may recommend that you try physiotherapy as an alternative to surgery in some cases, hopefully delaying the surgery, or preventing the need to have the operation at all. This is the case for some, but not all, orthopaedic and continence procedures and it is always worthwhile discussing the options at length with your surgeon or GP.
Our fantastic team of friendly physiotherapists all have experience working with patients throughout their surgical journey and would be very happy to assist you with yours!